Working Together - Parent Perspective
When a special needs child becomes a student at school, the role of parent expands. With many different people and levels in the education system, learning to work together benefits the student. I've had the privilege of facilitating parent panels which gave educators the opportunity to hear directly from parents their experiences of navigating the system. The following is the handout I created for participants.
We both play a valuable and distinct role in my child's life
- requires effective communication system
- share what is working
- extra disability supports
- greater need for down time
- regular kids activities
- parental hopes and dreams undergo continual readjustment
- pacing for the long term
- skills for life
- maximize abilities by strengthening strengths
- it is hard to focus only on my child's special needs
- technical language can be confusing
- my child behaves differently in different situations
- lack of supports for parents
- hard to see my child left out
- 50 significant caregivers by age 18
- Tremendous responsibility and trust
- Potential to create a strong link in web of supports
Click here to download a PDF version of this handout.