
Showing posts with the label acceptance

Ongoing registration for ASDreams

ASDreams is funded by Family Supports for Children with Disabilities (FSCD) and hosted by Crestwood Mennonite Brethren Church in Medicine Hat. 2018 is the ninth year of running this program for youth on the Autism Spectrum. Registration is ongoing. Contact FSCD directly or Wendy Johnson 403-952-8406

Designed With Purpose

Recently I have been going through old photographs. I love looking at the ones where my children are wearing matching outfits that I constructed for them. I created them with intention. When they were finished I didn't say, "Oh look! Sewn fabric. I wonder what it is for?" I wanted two dresses and a vest and so I sewed.  Purpose proceeded design. God planned me. He had a purpose in mind for me before there was a me. I received my design. After all, I didn't make myself. I have the option to be thankful for how He made me. Thankful? What does God think of His handiwork? He thinks I'm wonderful. His thoughts about me are precious. He is thinking about me all the time. He loves me to my innermost being. That most certainly warrants my thanks. When I renew my mind to this truth, being Autistic no longer gets in the way of me being me. The difficult parts of living with a social communication disorder are difficult. However, they are not wasted. God wove me to

Autism Parenting While Eating Out

     As a parent with children on the Autism spectrum, I've been both commended and scolded for how my children behave at restaurants.  I'm so thankful my identity is not tied to the varying and variable opinions of others.  Impatience by a waiter over a child who (again) needs more time to decide. Strange looks for allowing an older child to sit under the booth to escape the noise. Compassion for a child who believes is independent enough to find the washroom, but needs and receives redirection away from the doors to the kitchen. Congratulations from a table nearby for the excellent manners of my son who adds "thank you" to almost every verbal exchange with strangers.     Eating out as a family is an adventure with a highly variable cost/benefit  analysis.

Unexpected Community

Lars and the Real Girl (Image via Watching a movie about a life sized doll ordered off the Internet was not where I expected to discover community. Yet in  Lars and the Real Girl , community plays a central role as each character decides what to do about Bianca – the doll that Lars believes is real. Can Bianca come in for dinner? Lars' brother doesn't want to be associated with crazy. His sister-in-law, Karin, seems a bit more open. She asks what they can do to help, but recoils at the thought of letting Bianca borrow her clothes. It is a very personal request. Here is where Karin draws the line – Bianca doesn't have the same style. But Lars says Bianca doesn't care about stuff like that.The movie focuses on the community including Bianca so Lars can feel included, too. The community includes her for Lars. Lars, too, faces the challenge of valuing his doll. I think the most powerful moment is when Lars has to decide what he will do about Bianca.

Four Reasons for Five More Years

June 2006. Back on the psych ward for the sixth time. Medications conflicting. Over 200 pounds. Not knowing how to continue living, but not wanting life to end. Dear 34 year old me, Thank you for holding on to Life. I couldn't write to you otherwise. Please read carefully. The state you are in now does not reflect who you really are. Loved: Through losing those you most deeply love, you will discover that your identity is secure. The people who return to your life in addition to the new friends and connections - each one will become a gift to love. You will no longer snatch what love you can from others because your heart has more than enough love to give. Accepted: The severe rejection you face will intensify. Eventually even the system will not want you. When you receive your diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder, you will begin to accept yourself. Yet even that acceptance will not be enough. You will trade rejection for acceptance from the one who will never spurn you.