
Showing posts with the label team building

ASDreams Registration Now Open

Due to renovations at CORE association, ASDreams new session begins Monday, October 17.


Yes, the title is spelled correctly. I joined a team called "Brave Girls" to challenge myself to take 10,000 steps per day for the month of September. My biggest insight so far is I lead a very sedentary life. The first two days of September I added a walk to my day and barely reached the 5000 mark. I planned a long walk with a friend for later in the week and discovered it was still under 10000 steps. Fortunately other exercise can be converted into steps. A bike ride with my daughter nearly make me reach my target on the weekend. I'm realizing simply adding a pedometer doesn't change my activity level. I need to be intentional in adding exercise to my schedule. One of my technically savvy children suggested I shake the pedometer to reach my goal. It was a family lesson on integrity as I shared I would rather provide the true number than boost my stats artificially. I'm thankful for my team as we encourage each other both for days where we achieved our goal a...

Video Contest Update

ASDreamers Logan Murray and Micah Sudom planned, wrote, acted, directed and submitted a video for the Learning Disabilities Association of Alberta contest. While the two did not win, a shortened clip can be seen here . Be sure to "like" it. Submitted in February, both Dreamers showed teamwork, perseverance and patience while waiting for the judges to make their decision.

Working Together - Parent Perspective

When a special needs child becomes a student at school, the role of parent expands. With many different people and levels in the education system, learning to work together benefits the student. I've had the privilege of facilitating parent panels which gave educators the opportunity to hear directly from parents their experiences of navigating the system. The following is the handout I created for participants. We both play a valuable and distinct role in my child's life requires effective communication system share what is working School is only a part of my child's day extra disability supports greater need for down time regular kids activities Life continues after graduation parental hopes and dreams undergo continual readjustment pacing for the long term skills for life maximize abilities by strengthening strengths To receive supports, there must be demonstrated need it is hard to focus only on my child's special needs technical language can...