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Ongoing registration for ASDreams

ASDreams is funded by Family Supports for Children with Disabilities (FSCD) and hosted by Crestwood Mennonite Brethren Church in Medicine Hat. 2018 is the ninth year of running this program for youth on the Autism Spectrum. Registration is ongoing. Contact FSCD directly or Wendy Johnson 403-952-8406

Give it Time

Micah Sudom, my son and former ASDreams member, composed Give it Time.  His band, Mostly Micah, played it during high school graduation. Micah is the one on piano. Mostly Micah also provided the dinner music for the school district's teacher retirement party. Micah's first educational assistant and his kindergarten teacher both retired this year. The PUF administrator who got me started in the school support system was one of the two honoured educators at the event. The title Give it Time wasn't chosen for a graduation theme or a teacher retirement gig, however I can't imagine a more fitting title. Early educators who gave of their time not knowing how their involvement would shape the lives of their students. Junior high boys who spent six years eating their lunches together in the band room, learning new instruments and jamming together. A mom who invested 18 years into countless appointments with Family Supports for Children with Disabilities, service provide

ASDreams Registration Now Open

Due to renovations at CORE association, ASDreams new session begins Monday, October 17.


My article "Living with Autism Spectrum Disorder" appears in the summer edition of  Bridge magazine . Click this link and enjoy other disability related items as you scroll to page 13 to find a readable version of the thumbnails below. Save Save

Designed With Purpose

Recently I have been going through old photographs. I love looking at the ones where my children are wearing matching outfits that I constructed for them. I created them with intention. When they were finished I didn't say, "Oh look! Sewn fabric. I wonder what it is for?" I wanted two dresses and a vest and so I sewed.  Purpose proceeded design. God planned me. He had a purpose in mind for me before there was a me. I received my design. After all, I didn't make myself. I have the option to be thankful for how He made me. Thankful? What does God think of His handiwork? He thinks I'm wonderful. His thoughts about me are precious. He is thinking about me all the time. He loves me to my innermost being. That most certainly warrants my thanks. When I renew my mind to this truth, being Autistic no longer gets in the way of me being me. The difficult parts of living with a social communication disorder are difficult. However, they are not wasted. God wove me to